Sunday 21 February 2016

makanan jawa dalam b.inggris

TYPICAL FOOD & BANDUNG WEST JAVA                                                                                        Batagor                                                                                                                                                   is typical food of Bandung. Batagor stands Baso fried tofu, with basic materials made of tofu is then given batter fish, mackerel, shrimp and tapioca, served hot, with peanut sauce is very spicy and sweet soy sauce thick and usually given lime juice. Early on, sales started in the area Kopo batagor by Mr. Isan in 1973, so famous for Batagor Isan, then a few years later batagor entrepreneurs more and more, there are even restaurants that specifically rely on the cuisine is Batagor. Lately almost anywhere hawker (foodcourt) available bata                                               Cireng                                                                                                                                                  (abbreviation of aci fried, Sundanese for 'starch fried') is a snack that comes from the Sunda region that is made by frying dough mix made from prime starch. These snacks are very popular Priangan, and sold in various forms and variations of flavor. The food is quite famous in the '80s. This food is comprised of starch, wheat flour, water, pepper, salt, garlic, soy, chives and cooking oil. Now Cireng not only in Priangan only, but has spread to virtually all corners of the archipelago. Cireng generally sold by merchants who ride bikes with equipment made Cireng on the back of his bike.                                                                                                           Comro                                                                                                                                             Comro or combro or GEMET is a typical food of West Java. Comro made from grated cassava is formed round or oval inside stuffed with sambal oncom then fried, because that is named comro which stands oncom in jero (Sundanese, meaning: oncom inside, as well as with GEMET stands dage saemet means dage in which mean more or less the same. the food is more delicious eaten while still warm.                                                                                                            Misro                                                                                                                                                         is a typical food of West Java. Made from grated cassava is the inside filled with brown sugar and then fried, because that is named Misro which is short fishy in jero (Sundanese, meaning: sweet on the inside). the shape is round. the food is delicious eaten warm moments.                     Oncom                                                                                                                                                          is food from Indonesia are particularly popular in West Java. this food is a fermented product made by some kind of mold, similar to the processing of tempe, the difference between them is that the processed products declared ready oncom traded after mold spores, while in soybean processed products traded before the fungus produces spores (new stage in hyphae). There are two main types oncom: oncom oncom red and black. Red Oncom degraded by fungi Neurospora oncom sitophila or N. intermedia, whereas black oncom degraded by mold tempe Rhizopus oligosporus and / or types of Mucor. Oncom is the only human food ingredients are processed by involving the type of Neurospora. Copy the BEST Traders and Make Money:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BATAGOR                                                                                                       

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